
Прокуратуры РФ



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Главная Уральский федеральный округ Курганская область

23 марта 2017 года Cостоялось выездное межведомственное совещание, на котором обсуждены итоги проверки исполнения законодательства о профилактике безнадзорности и правонарушений несовершеннолетних на территории Далматовского района

22.03.2017 на территории г. Далматово под председательством прокурора области Игоря Ткачева состоялось выездное межведомственное совещание, на котором обсуждены итоги проверки исполнения законодательства о профилактике безнадзорности и правонарушений несовершеннолетних на территории Далматовского района.

В нем приняли участие председатель Курганской областной Думы Фролов Д.В., уполномоченный при Губернаторе Курганской области по правам ребенка Лопатина А.Е., Глава Далматовского района Полухин П.В., директора образовательных организаций, главы муниципальных образований, представители региональных и районных органов системы профилактики.

В ходе совещания обсужден вопрос необходимости участия в профилактической работе с несовершеннолетними всех государственных и общественных структур, использования потенциала школ, учреждений культуры и спорта, привлечение глав муниципальных образований и сельских депутатов к работе с трудными подростками и неблагополучными родителями.

Открывая работу совещания прокурор отметил, что на территории Далматовского района складывается сложная ситуация с подростковой преступностью и безнадзорностью.

Несмотря на принятые органами правоохраны и системы профилактики меры увеличилось количество групповых и тяжких криминальных посягательств, а также совершенных в состоянии алкогольного опьянения. Каждое третье подростковое преступление совершено воспитанниками Далматовского детского дома

Основными причинами такой ситуации является непринятие достаточных мер по выявлению и устранению причин и условий противоправного поведения подростков, отсутствие предусмотренного федеральным законодательством межведомственного взаимодействия при осуществлении социально-педагогической реабилитации несовершеннолетних и семей, находящихся в социально опасном положении. Как следствие, половину преступлений в 2016 году подростки совершили, уже находясь на учете в полиции.

По итогам совещания выработаны дополнительные меры , направленные на повышение эффективности профилактической работы с несовершеннолетними правонарушителями, работа областных управлений и департаментов по обеспечению ведомственного контроля взята на учет.

var data_331 = ; var event_stack_331 = ; video_is_playing_331 = false; data_331=;data_331="0";data_331="images/0317/23032017/IMG_0341.JPG";data_331="";data_331="";data_331=;data_331="1";data_331="images/0317/23032017/IMG_0334.JPG";data_331="";data_331="";data_331=;data_331="2";data_331="images/0317/23032017/IMG_0325.JPG";data_331="";data_331=""; var huge_it_trans_in_progress_331 = false; var huge_it_transition_duration_331 = 1000; var huge_it_playInterval_331; // Stop autoplay. window.clearInterval(huge_it_playInterval_331); var huge_it_current_key_331 = ''; function huge_it_move_dots_331 { var image_left = jQuery(".huge_it_slideshow_dots_active_331").position.left; var image_right = jQuery(".huge_it_slideshow_dots_active_331").position.left + jQuery(".huge_it_slideshow_dots_active_331").outerWidth(true); } function huge_it_testBrowser_cssTransitions_331 { return huge_it_testDom_331('Transition'); } function huge_it_testBrowser_cssTransforms3d_331 { return huge_it_testDom_331('Perspective'); } function huge_it_testDom_331(prop) { // Browser vendor CSS prefixes. var browserVendors = ; // Browser vendor DOM prefixes. var domPrefixes = ; var i = domPrefixes.length; while (i--) { if (typeof document.body.style + prop] !== 'undefined') { return true; } } return false; } function huge_it_cube_331(tz, ntx, nty, nrx, nry, wrx, wry, current_image_class, next_image_class, direction) { /* If browser does not support 3d transforms/CSS transitions.*/ if (!huge_it_testBrowser_cssTransitions_331) { jQuery(".huge_it_slideshow_dots_331").removeClass("huge_it_slideshow_dots_active_331").addClass("huge_it_slideshow_dots_deactive_331"); jQuery("#huge_it_dots_" + huge_it_current_key_331 + "_331").removeClass("huge_it_slideshow_dots_deactive_331").addClass("huge_it_slideshow_dots_active_331"); return huge_it_fallback_331(current_image_class, next_image_class, direction); } if (!huge_it_testBrowser_cssTransforms3d_331) { return huge_it_fallback3d_331(current_image_class, next_image_class, direction); } huge_it_trans_in_progress_331 = true; /* Set active thumbnail.*/ jQuery(".huge_it_slideshow_dots_331").removeClass("huge_it_slideshow_dots_active_331").addClass("huge_it_slideshow_dots_deactive_331"); jQuery("#huge_it_dots_" + huge_it_current_key_331 + "_331").removeClass("huge_it_slideshow_dots_deactive_331").addClass("huge_it_slideshow_dots_active_331"); jQuery(".huge_it_slide_bg_331").css('perspective', 1000); jQuery(current_image_class).css({ transform: 'translateZ(' + tz + 'px)', backfaceVisibility: 'hidden' }); jQuery(".huge_it_slideshow_image_wrap_331,.huge_it_slide_bg_331,.huge_it_slideshow_image_item_331,.huge_it_slideshow_image_second_item_331 ").css('overflow', 'visible'); jQuery(next_image_class).css({ opacity: 1, filter: 'Alpha(opacity=100)', backfaceVisibility: 'hidden', transform: 'translateY(' + nty + 'px) translateX(' + ntx + 'px) rotateY(' + nry + 'deg) rotateX(' + nrx + 'deg)' }); jQuery(".huge_it_slideshow_331").css({ transform: 'translateZ(-' + tz + 'px)', transformStyle: 'preserve-3d' }); /* Execution steps.*/ setTimeout(function { jQuery(".huge_it_slideshow_331").css({ transition: 'all ' + huge_it_transition_duration_331 + 'ms ease-in-out', transform: 'translateZ(-' + tz + 'px) rotateX(' + wrx + 'deg) rotateY(' + wry + 'deg)' }); }, 20); /* After transition.*/ jQuery(".huge_it_slideshow_331").one('webkitTransitionEnd transitionend otransitionend oTransitionEnd mstransitionend', jQuery.proxy(huge_it_after_trans)); function huge_it_after_trans { /*if (huge_it_from_focus_331) { huge_it_from_focus_331 = false; return; }*/ jQuery(".huge_it_slide_bg_331,.huge_it_slideshow_image_item_331,.huge_it_slideshow_image_second_item_331 ").css('overflow', 'hidden'); jQuery(".huge_it_slide_bg_331").removeAttr('style'); jQuery(current_image_class).removeAttr('style'); jQuery(next_image_class).removeAttr('style'); jQuery(".huge_it_slideshow_331").removeAttr('style'); jQuery(current_image_class).css({'opacity': 0, filter: 'Alpha(opacity=0)', 'z-index': 1}); jQuery(next_image_class).css({'opacity': 1, filter: 'Alpha(opacity=100)', 'z-index': 2}); // huge_it_change_watermark_container_331; huge_it_trans_in_progress_331 = false; if (typeof event_stack_331 !== 'undefined' && event_stack_331.length> 0) { key = event_stack_331.split("-"); event_stack_331.shift; huge_it_change_image_331(key, key, data_331, true, false); } } } function huge_it_cubeH_331(current_image_class, next_image_class, direction) { /* Set to half of image width.*/ var dimension = jQuery(current_image_class).width / 2; if (direction == 'right') { huge_it_cube_331(dimension, dimension, 0, 0, 90, 0, -90, current_image_class, next_image_class, direction); } else if (direction == 'left') { huge_it_cube_331(dimension, -dimension, 0, 0, -90, 0, 90, current_image_class, next_image_class, direction); } } function huge_it_cubeV_331(current_image_class, next_image_class, direction) { /* Set to half of image height.*/ var dimension = jQuery(current_image_class).height / 2; /* If next slide.*/ if (direction == 'right') { huge_it_cube_331(dimension, 0, -dimension, 90, 0, -90, 0, current_image_class, next_image_class, direction); } else if (direction == 'left') { huge_it_cube_331(dimension, 0, dimension, -90, 0, 90, 0, current_image_class, next_image_class, direction); } } /* For browsers that does not support transitions.*/ function huge_it_fallback_331(current_image_class, next_image_class, direction) { huge_it_fade_331(current_image_class, next_image_class, direction); } /* For browsers that support transitions, but not 3d transforms (only used if primary transition makes use of 3d-transforms).*/ function huge_it_fallback3d_331(current_image_class, next_image_class, direction) { huge_it_sliceV_331(current_image_class, next_image_class, direction); } function huge_it_none_331(current_image_class, next_image_class, direction) { jQuery(current_image_class).css({'opacity': 0, 'z-index': 1}); jQuery(next_image_class).css({'opacity': 1, 'z-index': 2}); /* Set active thumbnail.*/ jQuery(".huge_it_slideshow_dots_331").removeClass("huge_it_slideshow_dots_active_331").addClass("huge_it_slideshow_dots_deactive_331"); jQuery("#huge_it_dots_" + huge_it_current_key_331 + "_331").removeClass("huge_it_slideshow_dots_deactive_331").addClass("huge_it_slideshow_dots_active_331"); } function huge_it_fade_331(current_image_class, next_image_class, direction) { if (huge_it_testBrowser_cssTransitions_331) { jQuery(next_image_class).css('transition', 'opacity ' + huge_it_transition_duration_331 + 'ms linear'); jQuery(current_image_class).css('transition', 'opacity ' + huge_it_transition_duration_331 + 'ms linear'); jQuery(current_image_class).css({'opacity': 0, 'z-index': 1}); jQuery(next_image_class).css({'opacity': 1, 'z-index': 2}); } else { jQuery(current_image_class).animate({'opacity': 0, 'z-index': 1}, huge_it_transition_duration_331); jQuery(next_image_class).animate({ 'opacity': 1, 'z-index': 2 }, { duration: huge_it_transition_duration_331, complete: function { return false; } }); // For IE. jQuery(current_image_class).fadeTo(huge_it_transition_duration_331, 0); jQuery(next_image_class).fadeTo(huge_it_transition_duration_331, 1); } jQuery(".huge_it_slideshow_dots_331").removeClass("huge_it_slideshow_dots_active_331").addClass("huge_it_slideshow_dots_deactive_331"); jQuery("#huge_it_dots_" + huge_it_current_key_331 + "_331").removeClass("huge_it_slideshow_dots_deactive_331").addClass("huge_it_slideshow_dots_active_331"); } function huge_it_grid_331(cols, rows, ro, tx, ty, sc, op, current_image_class, next_image_class, direction) { /* If browser does not support CSS transitions.*/ if (!huge_it_testBrowser_cssTransitions_331) { jQuery(".huge_it_slideshow_dots_331").removeClass("huge_it_slideshow_dots_active_331").addClass("huge_it_slideshow_dots_deactive_331"); jQuery("#huge_it_dots_" + huge_it_current_key_331 + "_331").removeClass("huge_it_slideshow_dots_deactive_331").addClass("huge_it_slideshow_dots_active_331"); return huge_it_fallback_331(current_image_class, next_image_class, direction); } huge_it_trans_in_progress_331 = true; /* Set active thumbnail.*/ jQuery(".huge_it_slideshow_dots_331").removeClass("huge_it_slideshow_dots_active_331").addClass("huge_it_slideshow_dots_deactive_331"); jQuery("#huge_it_dots_" + huge_it_current_key_331 + "_331").removeClass("huge_it_slideshow_dots_deactive_331").addClass("huge_it_slideshow_dots_active_331"); /* The time (in ms) added to/subtracted from the delay total for each new gridlet.*/ var count = (huge_it_transition_duration_331) / (cols + rows); /* Gridlet creator (divisions of the image grid, positioned with background-images to replicate the look of an entire slide image when assembled)*/ function huge_it_gridlet(width, height, top, img_top, left, img_left, src, imgWidth, imgHeight, c, r) { var delay = (c + r) * count; /* Return a gridlet elem with styles for specific transition.*/ return jQuery('

').css({ width: width, height: height, top: top, left: left, backgroundImage: 'url("' + src + '")', backgroundColor: jQuery(".huge_it_slideshow_image_wrap_331").css("background-color"), /*backgroundColor: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0),*/ backgroundRepeat: 'no-repeat', backgroundPosition: img_left + 'px ' + img_top + 'px', backgroundSize: imgWidth + 'px ' + imgHeight + 'px', transition: 'all ' + huge_it_transition_duration_331 + 'ms ease-in-out ' + delay + 'ms', transform: 'none' }); } /* Get the current slide's image.*/ var cur_img = jQuery(current_image_class).find('img'); /* Create a grid to hold the gridlets.*/ var grid = jQuery('

').addClass('huge_it_grid_331'); /* Prepend the grid to the next slide (i.e. so it's above the slide image).*/ jQuery(current_image_class).prepend(grid); /* vars to calculate positioning/size of gridlets*/ var cont = jQuery(".huge_it_slide_bg_331"); var imgWidth = cur_img.width; var imgHeight = cur_img.height; var contWidth = cont.width, contHeight = cont.height, imgSrc = cur_img.attr('src'), /*.replace('/thumb', ''),*/ colWidth = Math.floor(contWidth / cols), rowHeight = Math.floor(contHeight / rows), colRemainder = contWidth - (cols * colWidth), colAdd = Math.ceil(colRemainder / cols), rowRemainder = contHeight - (rows * rowHeight), rowAdd = Math.ceil(rowRemainder / rows), leftDist = 0, img_leftDist = (jQuery(".huge_it_slide_bg_331").width - cur_img.width) / 2; /* tx/ty args can be passed as 'auto'/'min-auto' (meaning use slide width/height or negative slide width/height).*/ tx = tx === 'auto' ? contWidth : tx; tx = tx === 'min-auto' ? -contWidth : tx; ty = ty === 'auto' ? contHeight : ty; ty = ty === 'min-auto' ? -contHeight : ty; /* Loop through cols*/ for (var i = 0; i < cols; i++) { var topDist = 0, img_topDst = (jQuery(".huge_it_slide_bg_331").height - cur_img.height) / 2, newColWidth = colWidth; if (colRemainder> 0) { var add = colRemainder>= colAdd ? colAdd : colRemainder; newColWidth += add; colRemainder -= add; } for (var j = 0; j < rows; j++) { var newRowHeight = rowHeight, newRowRemainder = rowRemainder; /* If contHeight (px) does not divide cleanly into the specified number of rows, adjust individual row heights to create correct total.*/ if (newRowRemainder> 0) { add = newRowRemainder>= rowAdd ? rowAdd : rowRemainder; newRowHeight += add; newRowRemainder -= add; } grid.append(huge_it_gridlet(newColWidth, newRowHeight, topDist, img_topDst, leftDist, img_leftDist, imgSrc, imgWidth, imgHeight, i, j)); topDist += newRowHeight; img_topDst -= newRowHeight; } img_leftDist -= newColWidth; leftDist += newColWidth; } /* Set event listener on last gridlet to finish transitioning.*/ var last_gridlet = grid.children.last; /* Show grid & hide the image it replaces.*/ grid.show; cur_img.css('opacity', 0); /* Add identifying classes to corner gridlets (useful if applying border radius).*/ grid.children.first.addClass('rs-top-left'); grid.children.last.addClass('rs-bottom-right'); grid.children.eq(rows - 1).addClass('rs-bottom-left'); grid.children.eq(-rows).addClass('rs-top-right'); /* Execution steps.*/ setTimeout(function { grid.children.css({ opacity: op, transform: 'rotate(' + ro + 'deg) translateX(' + tx + 'px) translateY(' + ty + 'px) scale(' + sc + ')' }); }, 1); jQuery(next_image_class).css('opacity', 1); /* After transition.*/ jQuery(last_gridlet).one('webkitTransitionEnd transitionend otransitionend oTransitionEnd mstransitionend', jQuery.proxy(huge_it_after_trans)); function huge_it_after_trans { jQuery(current_image_class).css({'opacity': 0, 'z-index': 1}); jQuery(next_image_class).css({'opacity': 1, 'z-index': 2}); cur_img.css('opacity', 1); grid.remove; huge_it_trans_in_progress_331 = false; if (typeof event_stack_331 !== 'undefined' && event_stack_331.length> 0) { key = event_stack_331.split("-"); event_stack_331.shift; huge_it_change_image_331(key, key, data_331, true, false); } } } function huge_it_sliceH_331(current_image_class, next_image_class, direction) { if (direction == 'right') { var translateX = 'min-auto'; } else if (direction == 'left') { var translateX = 'auto'; } huge_it_grid_331(1, 8, 0, translateX, 0, 1, 0, current_image_class, next_image_class, direction); } function huge_it_sliceV_331(current_image_class, next_image_class, direction) { if (direction == 'right') { var translateY = 'min-auto'; } else if (direction == 'left') { var translateY = 'auto'; } huge_it_grid_331(10, 1, 0, 0, translateY, 1, 0, current_image_class, next_image_class, direction); } function huge_it_slideV_331(current_image_class, next_image_class, direction) { if (direction == 'right') { var translateY = 'auto'; } else if (direction == 'left') { var translateY = 'min-auto'; } huge_it_grid_331(1, 1, 0, 0, translateY, 1, 1, current_image_class, next_image_class, direction); } function huge_it_slideH_331(current_image_class, next_image_class, direction) { if (direction == 'right') { var translateX = 'min-auto'; } else if (direction == 'left') { var translateX = 'auto'; } huge_it_grid_331(1, 1, 0, translateX, 0, 1, 1, current_image_class, next_image_class, direction); } function huge_it_scaleOut_331(current_image_class, next_image_class, direction) { huge_it_grid_331(1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1.5, 0, current_image_class, next_image_class, direction); } function huge_it_scaleIn_331(current_image_class, next_image_class, direction) { huge_it_grid_331(1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0.5, 0, current_image_class, next_image_class, direction); } function huge_it_blockScale_331(current_image_class, next_image_class, direction) { huge_it_grid_331(8, 6, 0, 0, 0, .6, 0, current_image_class, next_image_class, direction); } function huge_it_kaleidoscope_331(current_image_class, next_image_class, direction) { huge_it_grid_331(10, 8, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, current_image_class, next_image_class, direction); } function huge_it_fan_331(current_image_class, next_image_class, direction) { if (direction == 'right') { var rotate = 45; var translateX = 100; } else if (direction == 'left') { var rotate = -45; var translateX = -100; } huge_it_grid_331(1, 10, rotate, translateX, 0, 1, 0, current_image_class, next_image_class, direction); } function huge_it_blindV_331(current_image_class, next_image_class, direction) { huge_it_grid_331(1, 8, 0, 0, 0, .7, 0, current_image_class, next_image_class); } function huge_it_blindH_331(current_image_class, next_image_class, direction) { huge_it_grid_331(10, 1, 0, 0, 0, .7, 0, current_image_class, next_image_class); } function huge_it_random_331(current_image_class, next_image_class, direction) { var anims = ; /* Pick a random transition from the anims array.*/ this + "_331"](current_image_class, next_image_class, direction); } function iterator_331 { var iterator = 1; return iterator; } function huge_it_change_image_331(current_key, key, data_331, from_effect, clicked) { if (data_331) { if (video_is_playing_331 && !clicked) { return false; } if (!from_effect) { jQuery("#huge_it_current_image_key_331").val(key); current_key = jQuery(".huge_it_slideshow_dots_active_331").attr("image_key"); } if (huge_it_trans_in_progress_331) { event_stack_331.push(current_key + '-' + key); return; } var direction = 'right'; if (huge_it_current_key_331> key) { var direction = 'left'; } else if (huge_it_current_key_331 == key) { return false; } huge_it_current_key_331 = key; jQuery("#huge_it_slideshow_image_331").attr('image_id', data_331); jQuery(".huge_it_slideshow_title_text_331").html(data_331); jQuery(".huge_it_slideshow_description_text_331").html(data_331); var current_image_class = "#image_id_331_" + data_331; var next_image_class = "#image_id_331_" + data_331; if (jQuery(current_image_class).find('.huge_it_video_frame_331').length> 0) { var streffect = 'random'; if (streffect == "cubeV" || streffect == "cubeH" || streffect == "none" || streffect == "fade") { huge_it_random_331(current_image_class, next_image_class, direction); } else { huge_it_fade_331(current_image_class, next_image_class, direction); } } else { huge_it_random_331(current_image_class, next_image_class, direction); } jQuery('.huge_it_slideshow_title_text_331').removeClass('none'); if (jQuery('.huge_it_slideshow_title_text_331').html == "") { jQuery('.huge_it_slideshow_title_text_331').addClass('none'); } jQuery('.huge_it_slideshow_description_text_331').removeClass('none'); if (jQuery('.huge_it_slideshow_description_text_331').html == "") { jQuery('.huge_it_slideshow_description_text_331').addClass('none'); } jQuery(current_image_class).find('.huge_it_slideshow_title_text_331').addClass('none'); jQuery(current_image_class).find('.huge_it_slideshow_description_text_331').addClass('none'); //errorlogjQuery(".huge_it_slideshow_image_wrap_331").after("--cur-key="+current_key+" --cur-img- nxt-img---"); huge_it_move_dots_331; // stopYoutubeVideo; window.clearInterval(huge_it_playInterval_331); play_331; } } function huge_it_popup_resize_331 { var staticslideshowwidth =544; var slideshowwidth =544; var bodyWidth = jQuery(window).width; var parentWidth = jQuery(".huge_it_slideshow_image_wrap_331").parent.width; //if responsive js late responsive.js @ take body size and not parent div if (slideshowwidth> parentWidth) { slideshowwidth = parentWidth; } if (slideshowwidth> bodyWidth) { slideshowwidth = bodyWidth; } var str = (375 / staticslideshowwidth); jQuery(".huge_it_slideshow_image_wrap_331").css({width: (slideshowwidth)}); jQuery(".huge_it_slideshow_image_wrap_331").css({height: ((slideshowwidth) * str)}); jQuery(".huge_it_slideshow_image_container_331").css({width: (slideshowwidth)}); jQuery(".huge_it_slideshow_image_container_331").css({height: ((slideshowwidth) * str)}); if ("top" == "middle") { var titlemargintopminus = jQuery(".huge_it_slideshow_title_text_331").outerHeight / 2; } if ("right" == "center") { var titlemarginleftminus = jQuery(".huge_it_slideshow_title_text_331").outerWidth / 2; } jQuery(".huge_it_slideshow_title_text_331").css({cssText: "margin-top:-" + titlemargintopminus + "px; margin-left:-" + titlemarginleftminus + "px;"}); 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Тема: Преступления, связанные с алкоголем, наркотиками и другими возбуждающими средствами

Регионы России: УФО, Курганская область

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